Aug 25Author

It’s never not funny. Ever.

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Your message to Octavio was brilliant. Octavio's answer? Brilliant, brilliant! Did you go on a date?

I totally suck at dating apps. I have quite a dry sense of humour which doesn't seem to come across well via message when you don't know how I'm saying it. I also get a bit excitable, which tends to come across as insane. Deadpan yet delirious - I've just found my new bio.

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Aug 26Author

Alas, Octavio peaked too soon! I conclude I also suck at them. Or maybe I just hate them? Not sure. I’d swipe on deadpan and delirious…if I was still on the blasted things. Maybe we do the opposite of divide and conquer? Attack en masse? Is London prepared?

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If you could do a dating app walk through then I can live vicariously through you. I didn't even have a mobile phone when I started dating my now husband. There were no apps.

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I hope you carried on the conversation with Octavio!

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I am dying. I’ve laughed out loud to these. Omg I need to get on Raya just for the views. The travel and LinkedIn ones cracked me up.

I need to dig out my screen shots.

You’re the best 💫

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Aug 25Author

Ha - for me it was when I was thinking a “reformed bond villain” was some sort of goddess like character. Alas, no. Get them out! 😘

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I loved Octavio’s response 🤣🤣🤣

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Aug 25Author

I was impressed too. There I was thinking I was the witty one, turns out Octavio there saw me and raised me 😂….Thanks for reading, you! x

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Aug 25Liked by Una

If I had a tail, I’d wag it off 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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Aug 25Author

No - he peaked early! 😂

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