Wow, I am so incredibly flattered at the mention here. I truly love Farrah's writing groups too, so inspiring and comforting to be in the company of other writers. This post really moved me. I too was sick for a month without realizing it, spent the first few weeks berating myself, blaming hormones and laziness until I became ill to the point where my body forced me to sleep for 20 hours straight. How stunning to realize that our knee jerk reaction to illness is that we've done something wrong! So mind blowing and silly, why can't we give ourselves a break and a little rest without feeling guilty for it? I'm gonna work on that. Absolutely love the poem at the end, thank you for sharing and looking forward to seeing you at the next monthly meetup!

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Jul 31Author

ahh thank you for the kind words and again - what is with the denial of being unwell? I felt so silly when I caught on - it was so obvious in hindsight, but I just kept writing it off as being lazy. It has knocked me for six, that's for sure! Look forward to next month too - love your work!

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It always a pleasure to see you. You deserve and need to rest. I hope you're feeling better. I often feel like a failure when I get sick, it's ridiculous. Oooh i wanted to see Stevie Nicks but I'm not that into festivals either, I don't like the crush. And I felt too tired to book the tickets when they were released. Huge hugs. A

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Jul 31Author

yeah what is with that? I just thought I had lazy-itis! Def coming out of it now though - and will be back on top of WAs then!

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Loved catching up on your July! and glad to hear you're feeling better. For what it's worth, you were looking fabulous in the Zoom room 🌟

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Jul 31Author

Ha yes as I recall I spent my 4 minutes of being energised on personal upkeep that day!

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I’m angry you did not reach out!

Love the ensembles, the article made me smile, felt you were sitting beside me talking.

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Jul 31Author

Ha, well what you can't get from me on text, you can get on substack! See you Friday x

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It was lovely to see you too. I am sorry you have been sick, poor you and sending hugs. That poem I relate to a lot!!!!! Hope you’re feeling better 💛💛💛

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So sorry you got the Covid - I had it in May coming back from a trip. Such a bummer. And I'm obsessed with the #1 ASOS CO-ORD! God is that chic!

So I've heard The Constituent with James Corden at the Old Vic is great. (And I'm in Texas:) I also heard when England beat Spain earlier in the month they started the show a little later so the cast and entire audience could hear the final minutes of the game as England won. Sounded hilarious!

Thank you so much for the lovely mention. I'm excited to see you in my inbox - and in Farrah's writing groups, I keep connecting with lovely people through her. Sending you good summer vibes. Stevie Nicks is iconic.

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