I beg to differ regarding your opinion that taking these drugs foregoes having to adopt a healthy lifestyle. I came out of the womb in the 90th percentile and was a lovely plump baby and toddler then a chubby 4 year old when I realized that being fat was something I should feel ashamed of. From the pediatrician. Weird what we remember. I was on and off diets for the rest of my life. And even at my thinnest I was still “overweight.” My weight issues aren’t due to an unhealthy lifestyle or emotional issues or eating disorders. The only time I’ve had disordered eating habits has been when I’ve been on a diet. I’m 61 now and my doctor is who asked me if I’d be interested in trying one of these meds a year ago. I said no then but this year I said yes. Ive been on zepbound since March (zepbound is a similar drug to ozempic (or ozempic’s weight loss drug wegovy)) and I have lost 15 lbs. I still have to eat healthfully and exercise regularly but I eat less without being ravenous. My body naturally has always wanted to be fat. My grandmother who worked in the fields and grew her own food etc was fat despite the exercise she did every day. The only way my mother controlled her weight was by smoking which ultimately killed her. So for some of us these drugs aren’t an easy way out. They are the only way for us to fight our genetics in an era where famine isn’t a real possibility. And they are the only way ive been able to stop this upward spiral of slow weight gain. I was still healthy when i started this journey but my right knee hurt (since i broke my leg 5 years ago) and now it doesn’t. And that’s pretty great.

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Jun 22Author

Hi! Thanks for this thoughtful comment and good to get an account from someone in your position. To eradicate doubt, I do think there is a place for these medicines - as you have described - but I think that these lifestyles measures should always be tried first, with the medicines introduced under the supervision of a clinician when they aren’t working. Unfortunately that isn’t what we are seeing a lot of the time, and that worries me for individuals, and for the direction it steers us in, societally, in terms of body positivity.

Really do appreciate you sharing!

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Oops .. but there’s been a lot of backlash and I wonder if there would be less if fat phobia weren’t a thing and being fat was not erroneously assumed to be due to weakness of character, laziness and gluttony.

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Jun 22Author

I agree. There is a risk that these drugs, when misused, perpetuate fat phobia, by telling us it’s shameful to be overweight, and is something that must be fixed. When it’s not, as you have explained, as simple as that, by any stretch.

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I don’t disagree with you there. I’m being monitored by a physician and my insurance is covering

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I will never understand why thin is fashionable nor why it became the all consuming trend that lasts already for almost 5 decades. I know too many women my age (60) who are either anorexic or bulimic. Looking at all those celebrity ozempic faces is nauseating, because they are the role models for the girls growing up right now.

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Jun 16Author

Agreed. I’m not certain it will ever not be a thing, which is quite depressing, really.

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A much needed post! People are treating this drug like the biggest weight loss trend since the Atkins diet. Moreover, no one is talking about the potential side effects. Glad to get some insight on this from the perspective of a healthcare professional.

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Jun 17Liked by Una

I can’t recomend highly enough the book by Johann Hari ‘Magic Pill’. It offers not only a very comprehensive guide to what Ozempic, Wegowy etc are, but consequences of taking it. He also talks about inefficiency of pretty much every diet under the sun. But the biggest problem that his book seems to highlight is the fact that we live in a world where humans are made to feel constantly hungry & encouraged to eat all the time. So until that is addressed I am afraid we will continue to make progress to humankind being healthy rather than obese. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this

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Thanks for this thoughtful piece Una! I've been reading/listening to so much about Ozempic in the last few months - it really does boggle the mind. Appreciate you playing the healthcare practitioner card here! 🙌

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It's shocking - my teens told me about this drug they already know more about it than me.

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Jun 16Author

It is set to be a real problem - demand is sky high.

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Great post Una! 👏

I've just watched the Farrah / Piers interview, WOW that was exhausting... heading for a lie down.

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Jun 16Author

A lie down, and not a swanky bath?...Thanks Kate.

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I've already had my morning 'swim' today, two would just be greedy! 😉

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Mind blown. First I’ve heard of it - fascinating read Una! ✨✨

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Jun 16Author

Thanks Claire! A topic I feel pretty strongly about, as you may tell 😊

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Jun 16Liked by Una

This is amazing!!

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Jun 16Author


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