This is beautifully, exquisitely written Una. Such a powerful insights into your grief experience. So utterly relatable.

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Sep 15Author

Thank you Vicki. Lovely to hear that it resonates.

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Oh Una, this is heartbreakingly beautiful. My dad was an Irish ‘Martin’ too, and also died so quickly and unexpectedly although in his seventies. I feel every word of this. The language, the setting, the nature of grief and how it bubbles up still. How extraordinary to have your grief unfold in parallel to 9/11. There is a whole book in that. Much love ❤️

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This is so beautifully written and I found great comfort in it, my own Dad having died just two months ago. I’m London Irish, but now live in Aotearoa NZ.

I think fondly of my childhood summer holidays in Galway where the news of a death spread like wildfire. The lean in with a hushed voice: “Come here to me now and I’ll tell you who died.” ☘️

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Sep 11Liked by Una

Una, I remember so well the news of 9-11 breaking on the radio when I was going to your daddy’s wake.

You have written this so well xx

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Sep 14Author

I remember your story well too. Great to hear from you - I think our paths might cross next year? 🤞

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Beautiful x

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Sep 14Author

Thank you x

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So well written. Ask for guidance and it will come. Highly recommend w14.

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Sep 14Author

Oooo hood to know! I’m going to take my time and see where I land - I think!

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8Liked by Una

Very moving piece of writing, and so recognizable in its depictions, thank you Una

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Sep 8Author

Thank YOU for reading. We give good death in Ireland…maybe! x

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Feel a lot from this! Captured the emotions of grief in Ireland perfectly x

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Sep 8Author

Thanks Emily! For all it is, and for all it isn't, I wouldn't change our part of the world x

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He would be so incredibly proud of you Una. Uncle Martin was such a great man. Take good care of yourself xx

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Sep 8Author

Thanks so much Catherine! So lovely to to hear from you - I'm sure you remember that night well too. I'm home most of October - would be great to see you x

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Would love that Una xx

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Sep 8Author

And back at you x

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Sep 15Author

So lovely to heart that it has brought some comfort. Is there a more Irish phrase than “come here to me…” ?😂

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Beautifully and evocatively written Una, thank you for sharing 💕

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Ah, I wish I meet your daddy, the hitchhikers must still be talking about their experience in meeting a kind Irish man. He are did sound to be a man of great kindness and integrity. The apple never falls far from the tree! Xxxx

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